Watch lectures and seminars at your own pace.

Ijazah & Isnad
Earn classical certifications, connecting you to the legacy of great scholars!

Live & interactive sessions with Sheikh Hakeem Atabek.

Study the classical program, with a contemporary understanding.
Program Information
1. When does the course enrolment begin?
Enrolment Opens: Sun 14th June 2020,
Deadline: Sun 20th Sept 2020
Course Start: Sun 4th Oct 2020,
1st Live Lesson: Sun 11th Oct 2020
2. What is the 3 year Islamic Scholarship Program (Alimiyyah)?
Maturidi Institute is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity for those seeking to study on the classical Islamic Scholarship program which is designed to take the seeker from a Foundation level to an Advanced level in Islamic Scholarship. The program has 2 main options and these are either the module based learning or study on the basis of the 3 year advisory learning program. On the flexible module option you have the option of choosing the modules you want to study at your own pace. This also works for individuals who have previously studied certain texts / subjects and need to fill in 'gaps' their knowledge or simply for those that are not willing to go into the broad academia but only want to gain good level of awareness of specific subject.
On the 3 year advisory program if you have a zeal and thirst for knowledge you can also cover the 3 years in a shorter time depending on your own pace of learning. You will have control on the duration and amount of modules you want to take in a given time.
Students will enjoy learning the Islamic Sciences in a flexible program from the comfort of their homes, in any part of the globe. The 3 years / levels program is designed to produce the most learned and authentic classical Islamic Scholars in the world ready to face the academical and philosophical challenges of today. Thereafter, students will have the opportunity to specialize in their area of interest (eg: Hadith, Theology, Arabic etc). The sophisticated subjects in the specialist's program have been carefully selected to give a holistic and deep learning opportunity to the students. It is to further ones level so one can become a Grammarian or Theologian rather than just an Alim or Alima.
The scholarship program is unique as not only the learning of level 1 or year 1 modules are offered at zero cost but you can progress at our pace and choose what modules you would like to study. However please note to gain access to year / level 2 modules you will need to have completed and passed all year / lesson 1 modules.
The variety of modules are mainly taught by the famous eminent scholar: Shaykh Atabek Shukurov. This was mainly due to the demand of students wanting to study under the great Shaykh and achieve their Isnaad (Authentic certificate going through the teacher to the author of the text).
3. What are the program certifications?
In the Scholarship program you will have the chance to receive two types of certifications:
A certificate for passing the module (Pass mark is usually 50%)
A Sanad/Isnaad or Ijazah certification giving you an eligibility to become a teacher or moderator of the text
Find out more about the Sanad (Islamic Authenticating system)
4. How will I be assessed?
In the Scholarship program each module will be assessed separately, regardless of its size or duration. This is because each module holds a certificate and/or Isnaad (Sanad) to the text studied. Once you complete the module(s) you have chosen then you will either be assessed by: 1.Exam or 2.Assignment need to take the exam or complete the assignment. All assignments and Exams are taken on the same day. If you turn to the calendar you will see the Exam Date and the Assignment due date.
Exams Assessment
You must take the exam on the prescribed days, as all exams are timed and sent out online with a restricted time limit on them. Once opened the exam will start and so will the timer so you need to make sure you are in an appropriate location, with no distractions so you can take this exam without hesitation.
Most modules in the 3 years will be assessed through a timed exam.
The Pass mark for most Exams will be 50% unless stated otherwise.
The Ijazah mark (mark required for a Sanad/Isnaad) for most exams will be 75% unless stated otherwise.
Assignment Assessment procedure
There are some modules that will be assessed through an academical assignment rather than an exam. This is done to test the student's knowledge and understanding as well as improve the students academic writing skills. Unfortunately, Muslims and Islamic Scholars today are not writing nearly enough on the analysis of religion and topics related to it. Alhamdulillah, we have many speakers and orators that will excite the audiences with emotional talks, but in the field of academia, we lack as an Ummah.
In Year 1 you are required to write 1 assignment of +1000 words and in Year 2; 2 assignments of similar word count. In Year 3 you will be required to submit a research paper of +5000 words that will be done on a topic of your choice related to an accumulation of the sciences and knowledge covered the 3 years.
For the requirements of each assignment visit the student portal or website for more info.
5. Is a course prospectus available?
Please see the prospectus here.
6. What is the enrolment process?
Option 1 - Structured 3 years Islamic Scholarship (Alim/Alimah) Program
- Click here to go to our learning management system powered by Brain Cert
- View course information and Enrol onto the 'Maturidi - Structured Islamic scholarship' course.
- Once enrolled you can view and learn all the modules on the learning platform. All examinations, assessments etc will also be issued through the learning management system. Please note you must have completed and passed year 1 before proceeding to year 2.
Option 2 - Free to view and learn modules (year 1)
- Click here to go to our learning management system powered by Brain Cert
- View course information and Enrol onto the 'Maturidi - Flexible Islamic scholarship' course.
- Once enrolled you can view and learn pre-recorded modules on the learning platform in your own time.
- If you require certification / Sanad for the module, please go to the test on the learning management system which will ask for a payment and then provide instructions to complete the examination / assessment.
- Once you have passed, certification / sanad will be issued
- If you fail, the first re-sit is free thereafter every re-sit is charged at 50%
Option 3 - Flexible Islamic Scholarship (Alim/Alimah) Program
- Click here to go to our learning management system powered by Brain Cert
- View course information and Enrol onto the 'Maturidi - Flexible Islamic scholarship' course.
- Once enrolled you can view and learn pre-recorded modules on the learning platform in your own time.
- If you require certification / Sanad for the module, please go to the test on the learning management system which will ask for a payment and then provide instructions to complete the examination / assessment.
- Once you have passed, certification / sanad will be issued
- If you fail, the first re-sit is free thereafter every re-sit is charged at 50%
Option 4 - Module based learning
- Click here to go to our learning management system powered by Brain Cert
- View the module you would like to enrol onto and click on enrol now.
- Once enrolled you can view and learn pre-recorded modules on the learning platform in your own time.
- If you require certification / Sanad for the module, please go to the test on the learning management system which will ask for a payment and then provide instructions to complete the examination / assessment.
- Once you have passed, certification / sanad will be issued
- If you fail, the first re-sit is free thereafter every re-sit is charged at 50%
Thank you!