Subject: Seerah (Prophetic Life)Unit Title: Seerah: Part 1 (Birth - Prophethood)
Duration / Lessons: 6 sessions
Playback Type: Pre-Recorded
Certificate: Yes
Sanad & Ijazah: Yes (Sanad to Ibn Hisham once completed all 3 modules)
Taught by: Shaykh Atabek Shukurov
Course Text: A combination of various texts and research on Seerah (eg: Ibn Hisham)
Text Author: Various authors and Researchers (Ibn Hisham) Sanad will go through to Ibn Hisham
Introduction: The study of Islam is incomplete without studying about the one who found and established it. Knowledge of the Prophetic Biography (Seerah) is necessary for every Muslim and sharing it with everyone is a responsibility. This subject is broken down into 3 modules. One covered in each year of the scholarship program.
The 3 modules are: 1. Before Birth - Prophethood 2. Prophethood - Migration to Madinah 3. Migration to Madinah - Death
In this first module you will cover the Prophetic life from "Before Birth till Prophethood". The Shaykh covers Seerah in a unique style where he looks at the arguments from the orentalists and gives rational rebuttals to the points made on why RasoolAllah (saw) is a Messenger of God. You will also cover the various differences of opionion from the Maturidi and Ashari perspectives on certain matters of Seerah, such as the opinion held by Asharis that RasoolAllah (saw) became a Prophet at the age of 40, whereas the Maturidi opinion being that he was a Prophet before the creation of Adam (as).
Text: As Above
Content: As Above
Author: As Above
Assessment: Exam completed remotely online
Certification: Certificate on Completion and Sanad / Janaza (if applicable). After successful completion of the course you will be issued a certificate of completion from Maturidi College. However to obtain a formal certificate (sanad) / Isnaad (Authentic chain of transmission) for this book going back to the Author himself you will need to formally enrol onto the course and successfully pass the exam at the required %. This will also give you ijazah (certification and permission) to teach and pass on the book.
Module Delivery: Online through structured prerecorded lessons with access to the instructor and students discussion form. Examinations completed remotely online. Note: The course / module has been compiled using historic video / audio with the permission of the instructor however due to technical issues, there could be some missing content.
Timetable (Content /Exams): 24/7 access to content - Exam if not on the portal then will be available to take in August of each year
Prerequisite (Entry Requirements): The course is designed to provide foundations and an introduction to the subject. You do not need any prior requirements or foundation studies to start this program
Recommendation: This text is recommended for those students who wish to begin their studies in the field of Seerah (Prophet Muhammad PBUH Biography). The student may then continue to Part 2 of 3 a Level 2 module.
Fee: FREE to Learn (Scroll to Content below - registration required) / £75 for enrolment and certification (For benefits of enrolling please see FAQ on home page
The student can enrol onto to the individual course or as part of the Maturidi College - Islamic Scholarship Program, for which you will need to sign up to the bundle course offer. The course is also offered on a free to learn basis which means there is no cost to view the course content below and only registration is required (So just register and return to this page to view the content for free). However should you require certification then you will had to either be enrolled on the course or the program. The free to learn program is a Maturidi College initiative to ensure all Level 1 - Basic / Foundation modules / knowledge in the different fields reaches everyone.
For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on all modules please visit the home page