Level 1

Arabic Vocabulary

This course focuses on memorization of the Arabic words and their meaning in different contexts.
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Unlock the beauty of the Arabic language

The Arabic Language module is based on the study of a text by Shaykh Ahmed Maqsoodi known as Shifahiyyah. This text covers a detailed study of Traditional Arabic (Fus'ha) vocabulary with particular focus on the Quranic and Hadith language style and words. Students learn to construct basic equational sentences and progress quite rapidly and organically to descriptive verb and noun sentences. The text has been studied by Shaykh Atabek himself in his classical Islamic studies during his early years in Uzbekistan and was the foundation to the mastery of the language for him.

Classes run from January 31, 2023 through April 25, 2023

Practical Approach

Shaykh Atabek Shukurov has proven results in delivering practical and intensive training and will help you to gain mastery over Arabic vocabulary.

Bi-Weekly Classes

Join us Tuesday & Thursday 
7:30-8:30PM UK  / GMT
2:30-3:30PM NY /  EST

Interactive Learning Environment

Join a cohort of your peers in unlocking the beauty of the Arabic language in an interactive learning environment.
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